About Us

Would you like to learn how to make a computer understand English? Are you starting out in Natural Language Processing and need teams to work with? The Drexel Data Science Club’s (DSC’s) Text Processing Working Group (TPWG) features interactive demos, projects, tutorials and discussions about text processing. We will start from the basics: TF-IDF, cosine similarity scores, regular expressions, topical modeling, Stemming, Tokenization, Lemmatization and likewise explore more advanced topics.

Call For Project Proposals Spring 2020

CCI's Text Processing Working Group (TPWG) is open for proposals of topics for Spring 2020. People from all majors and experience levels are welcome to submit their ideas. We would like to work on two or major projects through the spring term mainly focusing on Natural Language Processing. For some ideas about the sort of projects we have worked on and considered before visit the group homepage (http://tiny.cc/xobakz) and idea board (http://tiny.cc/ymbakz).

Link to proposal form.



Recommender System for Drexel University Undergraduate Courses. We scraped Drexel undergraduate course catalog and used the course descriptions to create a content based recommender system. Technologies Used: Python, Flask, Bootstap, REST APIs

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Notebooks, data and code related to Text Processing Working Group at Drexel CCI. Technologies Used: Python, Flask, Bootstap, REST APIs

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